在今天的“什么花边?”一集中, 爱和嘻哈亚特兰大 发型师Chiquita Ingram在她的Instagram上展示了一个完美无瑕的蕾丝面料,看起来比真发更自然。说真的,我不得不揉眼睛以确保我没有看到东西。 Ingram是The Kellon Deryck Salon的亚特兰大发型师。如果Deryck的名字听起来很熟悉,那是因为他负责为Monica,Blac Chyna,Missy Elliot以及更多人创造外观。
英格拉姆在她的Instagram页面上推出了蓝色,紫色和海员风色的假发。它包括一部分钻石部分,全部由橡皮筋连接在一起,整个风格看起来好像从她客户的头皮中萌发出来。 “漂白结和与她的肤色相匹配的长袜是确保分娩尽可能自然的最好方法,”英格拉姆告诉记者 引诱. 虽然每个造型师都有自己的技术来创造这种自然的外观,但Bey’s很简单。 “我确保[假发]被弹拨以模仿客户的确切发际线。如果发际线很粗,它可以[看起来像芭比娃娃上的头发]。如果它太薄了,你就能发现蕾丝,“她解释道。
英格拉姆风格 爱和嘻哈亚特兰大 像Bambi和Tresure这样的明星,以及对她疯狂的真实方法。 “客户可以做的最好的事情是确保蕾丝是透明的,你的确切肤色,或比你的肤色更轻。如果蕾丝太暗,几乎不可能匹配。它太轻了,我可以用各种技术来修饰蕾丝,以配合顾客的肤色,“她透露。
互联网是热爱Blac Chyna的“法律行动”假发
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the topic, it appears to be in Mandarin Chinese. The article discusses a hairstylist named Chiquita Ingram, who showcased a flawless lace fabric on her Instagram that looks more natural than real hair. She works at The Kellon Deryck Salon in Atlanta and has created various looks for celebrities such as Monica, Blac Chyna, and Missy Elliot. Ingrams technique involves ensuring that the wig is plucked to mimic the clients exact hairline, and the lace matches their skin tone. Overall, the article highlights the importance of finding the right wig and hairstylist to achieve a natural look.
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the topic, it appears to be in Mandarin Chinese. The article discusses a hairstylist named Chiquita Ingram, who showcased a flawless lace fabric on her Instagram that looks more natural than real hair. She works at The Kellon Deryck Salon in Atlanta and has created various looks for celebrities such as Monica, Blac Chyna, and Missy Elliot. Ingrams technique involves ensuring that the wig is plucked to mimic the clients exact hairline, and the lace matches their skin tone. Overall, the article highlights the importance of finding the right wig and hairstylist to achieve a natural look.