Wie auch immer Sie aufwachten, Stigmata sind immer noch real. Selbst wenn du Victoria und David Beckham bist. Und heute summt das Internet nach einer Make-up-Offenbarung von David Beckham, von der wir ziemlich begeistert sind, wenn man bedenkt, dass die meisten Stigmata, die darum herumstehen, wer Kosmetika tragen darf und darf, archaisch und von Natur aus sexistisch sind. Make-up ist für jedes Gesicht, und hier, um es uns heute zu beweisen, ist niemand anderes als David Beckham. Elle berichtet, dass Victoria in einem Interview, in dem sie ihre Estée-Lauder-Linie diskutierte, sagte, dass David “ihr Beauty-Produkte stehlen” würde, aber dass es sie nicht im Geringsten ärgere. “Er sieht so schön aus!” Sie sagte.
Victorias neue Kollektion mit Estée Lauder wurde letzten Monat auf den Markt gebracht und enthielt alles von Linern über Lippenstifte bis zu Augen-Lippen-Sets. Es wäre nicht das erste Mal, dass wir sie als Schönheitsguru betrachteten (isst du jeden Tag Lachs?). Und es ist cool, dass das Paar in ihrem Image so sicher ist, und in ihrer Beziehung ist das Aufdecken potentiell peinlicher Anekdoten kein Ding. Die interessantere Frage dabei ist natürlich, welche von Victoria Beckhams Estée Lauder-Produkten David Beckhams Make-up-Vorlieben entsprechen. Und Estée Lauder Executive, wenn Sie das lesen, vielleicht ist er Ihre nächste Zusammenarbeit? Nur ein Gedanke.
Obwohl wir uns alle einig sind, dass die DB immer gut aussieht, gibt es hier eine noch wichtigere Botschaft, nämlich dass Männer Produkte verwenden können – Concealer, Foundation, Lippenbalsam – und nicht nur Haarwachs und Deodorant. Der David-Beckham-Make-up-Moment beweist, dass es keinen richtigen oder falschen Weg gibt, ihn zu tragen, und es gibt keine richtige oder falsche Person, um ihn zu benutzen. Je mehr Make-up zu einem “uns” Ding wird und nicht zu “seinem” Ding oder einem “ihr” Ding, desto besser ist es für jeden. Danke, Victoria und David Beckham, für die Führung der Ladung – in deinem Attraktivitätslevel und in deinem Woke-Meter.
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As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text in German to English.
“However you wake up, stigmas are still real. Even if you are Victoria and David Beckham. And today, the internet is buzzing with a makeup revelation from David Beckham, which we are pretty excited about, considering that most stigmas surrounding who can and cannot wear cosmetics are archaic and inherently sexist. Makeup is for every face, and here to prove it to us today is none other than David Beckham. Elle reports that in an interview discussing her Estée Lauder line, Victoria said that David “steals her beauty products,” but that it doesnt bother her in the slightest. “He looks so beautiful!” she said. Victorias new collection with Estée Lauder was launched last month and included everything from liners to lipsticks to eye-lip sets. It wouldnt be the first time we considered her a beauty guru (do you eat salmon every day?). And its cool that the couple is so confident in their image, and in their relationship, that uncovering potentially embarrassing anecdotes is no big deal. The more interesting question, of course, is which of Victoria Beckhams Estée Lauder products match David Beckhams makeup preferences. And Estée Lauder executive, if youre reading this, maybe hes your next collaboration? Just a thought. Although we all agree that DB always looks good, there is a more important message here, namely that men can use products – concealer, foundation, lip balm – and not just hair wax and deodorant. The David Beckham makeup moment proves that there is no right or wrong way to wear it, and there is no right or wrong person to use it. The more makeup becomes an “us” thing and not a “his” thing or a “hers” thing, the better it is for everyone. Thank you, Victoria and David Beckham, for leading the charge – in your attractiveness level and in your woke meter.”
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text in German to English.
“However you wake up, stigmas are still real. Even if you are Victoria and David Beckham. And today, the internet is buzzing with a makeup revelation from David Beckham, which we are pretty excited about, considering that most stigmas surrounding who can and cannot wear cosmetics are archaic and inherently sexist. Makeup is for every face, and here to prove it to us today is none other than David Beckham. Elle reports that in an interview discussing her Estée Lauder line, Victoria said that David “steals her beauty products,” but that it doesnt bother her in the slightest. “He looks so beautiful!” she said. Victorias new collection with Estée Lauder was launched last month and included everything from liners to lipsticks to eye-lip sets. It wouldnt be the first time we considered her a beauty guru (do you eat salmon every day?). And its cool that the couple is so confident in their image, and in their relationship, that uncovering potentially embarrassing anecdotes is no big deal. The more interesting question, of course, is which of Victoria Beckhams Estée Lauder products match David Beckhams makeup preferences. And Estée Lauder executive, if youre reading this, maybe hes your next collaboration? Just a thought. Although we all agree that DB always looks good, there is a more important message here, namely that men can use products – concealer, foundation, lip balm – and not just hair wax and deodorant. The David Beckham makeup moment proves that there is no right or wrong way to wear it, and there is no right or wrong person to use it. The more makeup becomes an “us” thing and not a “his” thing or a “hers” thing, the better it is for everyone. Thank you, Victoria and David Beckham, for leading the charge – in your attractiveness level and in your woke meter.”