Kendall und Kylie Jenner sind zwei der berühmtesten Schwestern der Welt, aber wussten Sie, dass sie auch Zwillinge sind? OK, nicht wirklich. Sie hätten uns bei den Golden Globes nach der Party im Beverly Hilton Hotel am Sonntagabend reinlegen können. Das liegt daran, dass die Jenners auf dem roten Teppich auftauchten und ihr dunkles Haar zu identischen Top-Knoten und ähnlich leuchtender Haut zurückzogen. Oh, und sie trugen natürlich bodenlange Kleider mit passenden oberschenkellosen Schlitzen.
In der Regel heben der Model und Kosmetikmogul ihre Unterschiede in Sachen Mode hervor. Trotz der Tatsache, dass sie eine Kleidungslinie teilen, haben die Schwestern unterschiedliche Stile. Das konnte man am Sonntag noch mit ihrem Gewand sehen. Sie wurden sehr verschieden. Kendall trug ein gebranntorangefarbenes, trägerloses Paule Ka-Kleid, während Kylie an einer funkelnden Labourjoisie mit spreizendem Kragen rutschte. Wir konnten nicht anders, als einen Doppelklick zu machen. Schauen Sie sich unten die gewagten Looks an.
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Und die Partnerschaften hörten auch nicht auf, sobald sie in die Partei eintraten. Die Jenner-Schwestern wurden zusammen in einer Ecke des Events gesichtet, um Pizza zu essen und für die Kamera zu hämmern.
Die Nacht war besonders, denn heute sind die beiden jüngsten Mitglieder der Kardashian-Jenner-Familie auch die am stärksten frequentierten. Sie werden nicht so oft auf dem roten Teppich gesehen, wie sie es früher getan haben. Natürlich dokumentierten sie ihre Schwester “Date Night”, wie Kendall es formulierte, auf Snapchat. In ihrer Geschichte hat Kendall ein Video von sich selbst und Kylie geposted, die alle in einem Auto hängen.
In der Zwischenzeit hat Kylie auch ein paar Fotos von ihr und ihrer großen Schwester gemacht.
Überlassen Sie es Kendall und Kylie Jenner, um uns alle glauben zu lassen, dass sie den größten Spaß in der bisher größten und mit Stars gespickten Hollywood-Bash für 2023 haben.
Lerne nun, wie man einen geflochtenen Topt-Knoten fischt:
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a comment on the topic in the appropriate language. Here it is:
Kendall and Kylie Jenner are two of the most famous sisters in the world, but did you know they are also twins? Well, not really. They could have fooled us at the Golden Globes after-party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday night. Thats because the Jenners showed up on the red carpet, pulling back their dark hair into identical top knots and sporting similarly glowing skin. Oh, and of course, they were wearing floor-length dresses with matching thigh-high slits. Usually, the model and cosmetics mogul highlight their differences in fashion. Despite sharing a clothing line, the sisters have different styles. You could see that in their attire on Sunday. They were very different. Kendall wore a burnt orange, strapless Paule Ka dress, while Kylie slipped into a sparkling Labourjoisie with a plunging neckline. We couldnt help but double-tap. Check out the daring looks below. And the partnerships didnt stop once they entered the party. The Jenner sisters were spotted together in a corner of the event, eating pizza and hamming it up for the camera. The night was special because today, the two youngest members of the Kardashian-Jenner family are also the busiest. They are not seen on the red carpet as often as they used to be. Of course, they documented their sister “date night,” as Kendall put it, on Snapchat. In her story, Kendall posted a video of herself and Kylie hanging out in a car. Meanwhile, Kylie also took a few photos of her and her big sister. Leave it to Kendall and Kylie Jenner to make us all believe theyre having the most fun at the biggest and star-studded Hollywood bash of 2017 so far. Now, learn how to fishtail braid a top knot.
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a comment on the topic in the appropriate language. Here it is:
Kendall and Kylie Jenner are two of the most famous sisters in the world, but did you know they are also twins? Okay, not really. They could have fooled us at the Golden Globes after-party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday night. Thats because the Jenners showed up on the red carpet, pulling back their dark hair into identical top knots and sporting similarly glowing skin. Oh, and of course, they were wearing floor-length dresses with matching thigh-high slits. Typically, the model and cosmetics mogul highlight their differences in fashion. Despite sharing a clothing line, the sisters have different styles. That was evident in their attire on Sunday. They were very different. Kendall wore a burnt orange, strapless Paule Ka dress, while Kylie slipped into a sparkling Labourjoisie with a plunging neckline. We couldnt help but double-tap. Check out the daring looks below. And the partnerships didnt stop once they entered the party. The Jenner sisters were spotted together in a corner of the event, eating pizza and hamming it up for the camera. The night was special because today, the two youngest members of the Kardashian-Jenner family are also the busiest. Theyre not seen on the red carpet as often as they used to be. Of course, they documented their sister “date night,” as Kendall put it, on Snapchat. In her story, Kendall posted a video of herself and Kylie hanging out in a car. Meanwhile, Kylie also took a few photos of her and her big sister. Leave it to Kendall and Kylie Jenner to make us all believe theyre having the most fun at the biggest and star-studded Hollywood bash of 2017 so far. Now, learn how to fishtail braid a top knot.