Ceny rtěnky se liší jako bláznivé: Mysli na 3 dolarové lístky. Studio hydratační rtěnka a $ 36 Tom Ford Lip Color. Hodně jde do toho, proč rtěnka stojí tolik. Mezi faktory patří: název designéra, balení, přísady, energie, zápach a pocit. Někdy přejdete na rtěnku a zcela pochopíte, proč to stojí tolik; Jinak je to naopak. Lidé v Buzzfeedu se zeptali kluci – těch, kteří nemají make-up – jen to udělat, vyzkoušet několik rtěnek a odhadnout, kolik stojí. Je pochopitelně obtížné!
Vyzkoušejí Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro, Tom Ford Lip Color Matte, Rtěnka z mokrého hedvábného vlákna a Kylie Cosmetics Matte Liquid Lipstick. Většina cenových odhadů je docela přesná a všichni vypadají skvěle v rtěnkách, pokud to tak říkám sám.
Podívejte se na níže uvedené video a zjistěte, jestli můžete odhadnout, který z nich se dostává špatně.
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As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:
The prices of lipsticks vary like crazy: think $3 drugstore brands versus $36 designer lipsticks. There are many factors that go into why a lipstick costs so much, including the designer name, packaging, ingredients, energy, scent, and feel. Sometimes you try a lipstick and completely understand why it costs so much; other times, its the opposite. Buzzfeed asked guys – those who dont wear makeup – to try on a few lipsticks and guess how much they cost. Its understandably difficult! They tried Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro, Tom Ford Lip Color Matte, Wet n Wild Silk Finish Lipstick, and Kylie Cosmetics Matte Liquid Lipstick. Most of the price guesses were pretty accurate, and everyone looked great in the lipsticks, if I do say so myself. Check out the video below and see if you can guess which one gets it wrong.
As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:
The prices of lipsticks vary like crazy: think $3 drugstore brands versus $36 designer lipsticks. There are many factors that go into why a lipstick costs so much, including the designer name, packaging, ingredients, energy, scent, and feel. Sometimes you try a lipstick and completely understand why it costs so much; other times, its the opposite. Buzzfeed asked guys – those who dont wear makeup – to try on a few lipsticks and guess how much they cost. Its understandably difficult! They tried Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro, Tom Ford Lip Color Matte, Wet n Wild Silk Finish Lipstick, and Kylie Cosmetics Matte Liquid Lipstick. Most of the price guesses were pretty accurate, and everyone looked great in the lipsticks, if I do say so myself. Check out the video below and see if you can guess which one gets it wrong.