Kim Kardashian a Kanye West se podařilo od Taylora Swiftova zůstat docela tichá Pověst debutovala před několika týdny, ale Kim zdánlivě zlomila její ticho s ne-tak-jemný příspěvek Instagram. Annnnd teď její účet zaplaví krysy emojis.
Na dotyčném příspěvku je zobrazen snímek Kanyeho “Slavného” exponátu a v pozadí je tvář Taylorova nahého těla. Titulek jednoduše říká “Slavný”, což je docela přímý odkaz na ikonický konflikt mezi Taylorem a Kanye, který měl přes texty písně.
Rychlá rekapitulace: Taylor se snažila tvrdit, že Kanye ji nikdy neoznámila o uvedených textech. Kim vydala zbytek Snapchatových příjmů dokázat jinak, a Taylor se pokusila “odstranit z vyprávění.” To samozřejmě připomíná dobu, kdy Taylorova vlastní krmení Instagram byla zaplavena hadem emoji.
Taylor je vlastně v procesu získávání zmíněných emoji (viz: “Podívej, co jsi mě udělal”), ale nějak máme pocit, že Kim nebude za rok skrývat a znovu se objeví jako krysa.
As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for you:
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West managed to keep Taylor Swift quite quiet. The rumor debuted a few weeks ago, but Kim apparently broke her silence with a not-so-gentle Instagram post. And now her account is flooded with rat emojis. The post shows a picture of Kanyes “Famous” exhibit with Taylors naked body in the background. The caption simply says “Famous,” which is a pretty direct reference to the iconic conflict between Taylor and Kanye over the song lyrics. Quick recap: Taylor tried to claim that Kanye never informed her about the lyrics. Kim released the rest of her Snapchat receipts to prove otherwise, and Taylor tried to “remove herself from the narrative.” This, of course, brings to mind the time when Taylors own Instagram feed was flooded with snake emojis. Taylor is actually in the process of reclaiming those emojis (see: “Look What You Made Me Do”), but we have a feeling Kim wont be hiding as a rat anytime soon.
As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for you:
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West managed to keep Taylor Swift quite quiet. The rumor debuted a few weeks ago, but Kim apparently broke her silence with a not-so-gentle Instagram post. And now her account is flooded with rat emojis. The post shows a picture of Kanyes “Famous” exhibit with Taylors naked body in the background. The caption simply says “Famous,” which is a pretty direct reference to the iconic conflict between Taylor and Kanye over the song lyrics. Quick recap: Taylor tried to claim that Kanye never informed her about the lyrics. Kim released the rest of her Snapchat receipts to prove otherwise, and Taylor tried to “remove herself from the narrative.” This, of course, brings to mind the time when Taylors own Instagram feed was flooded with snake emojis. Taylor is actually in the process of reclaiming those emojis (see: “Look What You Made Me Do”), but we have a feeling Kim wont be hiding as a rat anytime soon.