Alexander McQueen je jedním z nejočekávanějších výstav módního měsíce díky tomu, že kolekce připravené k oblečení jsou prakticky couture. Pozornost na detaily je bezkonkurenční a na podzim roku 2016, která se stala včera večer v Londýně, se nijak neliší. Podívejte se pouze na některý ze zvětšených snímků dráhy a uvidíte další prvek fantazie: Oblečení je posypáno motýly a peřím a dokonce je zde obrovský jednorožec vytvořený výhradně z flitrů. Ale i když je to jedna z nejoblíbenějších sbírek designéra Sarah Burtonové, je to přesně opačný dětinský. Řetězy, kožené a krajkové boty ztěžovaly všechno trochu – téma, které se odráží i v krásu.
Exponát A: texturami zdobenými brožníky a řetězy. Podle kadeřníka Guida byla klíčem ke stylu hrubá textura s laskavým svolením dvou hrdinů Redken: WindBlown Dry Finishing Spray a Guts 10 Volume Boosting Spray Foam. “Čím víc excentrický, tím víc to vypadá,” řekl o zkrouceném vzhledu, který byl na sobě spojen s romantickými ozdobami ve vlasech a v oděvu. Vytáhl náhodné kusy, aby vypadal měkký, ale řetězy a struktura ho udržela v McQueenově způsobu.
Expozice B: co Lucia Pieroni popsala jako make-up, která vypadá “jako byste procházeli zahrádkou na měsíci.” Smíchala RMS Master Mixer (multitasking růžovo-zlatý krém) a RMS Eye Polish v Karmě (černý lesk), aby vytvořil smutný, rozmazaný efekt podél řas a poté přidal M.A.C. Kosmetika Technakohl Liner v Graphblack na vodorovně. Pro dokončení a rozptýlení vzhledu se na víčky použilo všestranné krémové a zákulisní sponky – egyptská kouzla. Kůže a rty zůstaly prázdné.
Oblečení ozdobené jiskřivými jednorožecmi není typicky skvělé (nezapomeňte, že epizoda Lizzie McGuireová?). No, teď víme, že tajemství úspěšně vytáhlo vzhled: Dejte si nějaké rozmazané černé oční linky, nechte své vlasy a makeup svůdné a ujistěte se, že oblečení navržené Sarah Burton.
As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
Alexander McQueen is one of the most anticipated fashion exhibitions of the month due to the fact that the collections prepared for clothing are practically couture. Attention to detail is unparalleled and in the fall of 2016, which happened last night in London, it is no different. Just look at some of the enlarged runway shots and youll see another element of fantasy: Clothing is sprinkled with butterflies and feathers and there is even a huge unicorn created exclusively from sequins. But even though its one of designer Sarah Burtons favorite collections, its exactly the opposite of childish. Chains, leather and lace-up shoes made everything a little harder – a theme that is reflected in beauty as well. Exhibit A: textures adorned with brooches and chains. According to hairstylist Guido, the key to the style was rough texture with the kind permission of two Redken heroes: WindBlown Dry Finishing Spray and Guts 10 Volume Boosting Spray Foam. “The more eccentric, the more it looks,” he said of the twisted look, which was combined with romantic hair and clothing ornaments. He pulled out random pieces to make it look soft, but the chains and structure kept it in McQueens way. Exhibit B: what Lucia Pieroni described as makeup that looks “like youre walking through a garden on the moon.” She mixed RMS Master Mixer (multitasking pink-gold cream) and RMS Eye Polish in Karma (black gloss) to create a sad, blurry effect along the lashes and then added M.A.C. Cosmetics Technakohl Liner in Graphblack horizontally. To complete and disperse the look, versatile cream and backstage clips – Egyptian spells – were used on the eyelids. Skin and lips remained empty. Clothing adorned with sparkling unicorns is not typically great (remember the Lizzie McGuire episode?). Well, now we know the secret to successfully pulling off the look: Get some smudged black eyeliner, let your hair and makeup be seductive, and make sure the clothing is designed by Sarah Burton.
As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
Alexander McQueen is one of the most anticipated fashion exhibitions of the month due to the fact that the collections prepared for clothing are practically couture. Attention to detail is unparalleled and in the fall of 2016, which took place last night in London, it is no different. Just look at some of the enlarged runway shots and youll see another element of fantasy: Clothing is sprinkled with butterflies and feathers and there is even a huge unicorn created exclusively from sequins. But even though its one of designer Sarah Burtons favorite collections, its exactly the opposite of childish. Chains, leather and lace-up shoes made everything a little heavier – a theme that is reflected in beauty as well. Exhibit A: textures adorned with brooches and chains. According to hairstylist Guido, the key to the style was rough texture with the kind permission of two Redken heroes: WindBlown Dry Finishing Spray and Guts 10 Volume Boosting Spray Foam. “The more eccentric it looks, the more it looks,” he said of the twisted look, which was paired with romantic hair and clothing ornaments. He pulled out random pieces to make it look soft, but the chains and structure kept it in McQueens way. Exhibit B: what Lucia Pieroni described as makeup that looks “like youre walking through a garden on the moon.” She mixed RMS Master Mixer (multitasking pink-gold cream) and RMS Eye Polish in Karma (black gloss) to create a sad, blurry effect along the lashes and then added M.A.C. Cosmetics Technakohl Liner in Graphblack horizontally. To complete and disperse the look, versatile cream and backstage clips – Egyptian spells – were used on the eyelids. Skin and lips remained empty. Clothing adorned with sparkling unicorns is not typically great (remember the Lizzie McGuire episode?). Well, now we know the secret to successfully pulling off the look: Get some smudged black eyeliner, let your hair and makeup be seductive, and make sure the clothing is designed by Sarah Burton.