Gabrielle Union nosila nespočetné účesy, od elegantních zámků až po dlouhé, plážové vlny – a bez ohledu na vzhled nebo příležitost, herečka vždy vypadá úžasně. Gabrielle Union má nejtvrdší bob, který jsme kdy viděli.
Všechno skončilo minulý čtvrtek, když Unie hostila Podstata 10. výroční Gala Černé ženy v Hollywoodu v Los Angeles a doslova nás zastavila.
Podívejte se na níže uvedené video od slavného kadeřníka Larryho Simsa, mistra nového Unionu a budete také okouzleni. Gabrielle také zveřejnila fotografickou koláž večera, která předváděla ohromující šaty značky Prada, které opravdu doplnila její střih.
TBH, co nejvíce zamilujeme na Gabrieliny vlasy, není skutečnost, že to jsou nové celebrity, které dostanou bobky prakticky každý den. Ale milujeme, že se spontánně rozhodla provést tento krok. Stále máme úzkost, když náš kadeřník zvedne nožky, aby nakrájel naše konce, ale Gabby má dost důvěry, aby nechal Sims odříznout palce. Takový šéf se pohybuje.
Řekla Lidé, “Byli jsme jako …” Pojďme kratší. “Larry Sims si jen vzal sekeru a prostě ho vyrazil.” A předtím, než ji herečka a manželka hvězdy NBA Dwyane Wade věděli, “to bylo na bradě,” říká Union. ,] jdeme ještě kratší na zadní straně. Miluji to. Teď jsem posedlý. “
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Gabby, prosím, sdílejte s námi pár důvěry. Mezitím, když budeme čekat, budeme pokračovat v upínání nad těmito nedávnými selfies, které zveřejnila na Instagram.
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As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or preferences. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:
Gabrielle Union has worn countless hairstyles, from elegant locks to long beach waves – and regardless of the look or occasion, the actress always looks amazing. Gabrielle Union has the hardest bob weve ever seen. Everything ended last Thursday when Union hosted the 10th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Gala in Los Angeles and literally stopped us. Check out the video below from famous hairstylist Larry Sims, the master of Unions new look, and youll be charmed too. Gabrielle also posted a photo collage of the evening, showcasing stunning Prada dresses that really complemented her cut. TBH, what we love most about Gabrielles hair isnt the fact that theyre new celebrity bobs that practically get every day. But we love that she spontaneously decided to take this step. We still have anxiety when our hairdresser lifts his legs to cut our ends, but Gabby has enough confidence to let Sims cut his thumbs. Such a boss moves. She told People, “We were like …” Lets go shorter. “Larry Sims just took the ax and just kicked it.” And before the actress and wife of NBA star Dwyane Wade knew it, “it was on the chin,” says Union. ,] lets go even shorter on the back. I love it. Now Im obsessed. “
As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or preferences. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:
Gabrielle Union has worn countless hairstyles, from elegant locks to long beach waves – and regardless of the look or occasion, the actress always looks amazing. Gabrielle Union has the hardest bob weve ever seen. Everything ended last Thursday when Union hosted the 10th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Essence Gala in Los Angeles and literally stopped us. Check out the video below from celebrity hairstylist Larry Sims, the master of Unions new look, and youll be charmed too. Gabrielle also posted a photo collage of the evening, showcasing stunning Prada dresses that really complemented her cut. TBH, what we love most about Gabrielles hair isnt the fact that theyre new celebrity bobs that practically get every day. But we love that she spontaneously decided to take this step. We still have anxiety when our hairdresser lifts his legs to cut our ends, but Gabby has enough confidence to let Sims cut his thumbs. Such a boss moves. She told People, “We were like …” Lets go shorter. “Larry Sims just took the ax and just kicked it.” And before the actress and wife of NBA star Dwyane Wade knew it, “it was on the chin,” says Union. ,] lets go even shorter on the back. I love it. Now Im obsessed. “