Naposledy, když jsem viděl, že někdo používal kolečko na koni, mohl být na střední škole. Připravte se na ples. A nebylo to ani dobrý pohled. Ale verze Charlize Theronové je zcela odlišná a mnohem chladnější. A nejen proto, že je Charlize Theronová. Její koňak je chladný a uvolněný a kudrlinky vypadají přirozeně (i když nejsou). Kopírování vzhledu vyžaduje větší úsilí než obyčejný cop, ale ne moc:
1. Pokud vaše vlasy nejsou přirozeně tlusté a skákací (štěstí, že jste) hřebenem hnědé vlasy z vlhkých vlasů, od kořenů až po konec.
1. Vyfoukněte vlasy, dokud nejsou 100% suché (zabráníte tak kůži).
1. Zakřivte vlasy pomocí velkého barelového kadeřnictví (asi 1 palec širokého) od středu dole. Zastavte se těsně za konce, což vede k tomu, že vlny vypadají falešně.
1. Spusťte prsty vlnami, abyste je rozbíjeli.
1. Pomocí prstů vytvořte středovou část a vytáhněte vlasy zpět do opravdu volného koně a zajistěte jej pár centimetrů nad závratou krku.
Denní krásy Reporter: Sexy vlasy v pěti minutách Flat
Denní krása reportér: Jednoduchý, sexy konopí
Denní krásy reportér: Jak se vaše vlasy okamžitě sexy
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:
“Last time I saw someone using a horse wheel, they could have been in high school. Get ready for the ball. And it wasnt even a good sight. But Charlize Therons version is completely different and much cooler. And not just because its Charlize Theron. Her ponytail is cool and relaxed, and the curls look natural (even though theyre not). Copying the look requires more effort than a regular ponytail, but not too much: 1. If your hair is not naturally thick and bouncy (lucky you), comb brown hair from wet hair, from roots to ends. 1. Blow-dry your hair until its 100% dry (prevents scalp). 1. Curl your hair using a large barrel curling iron (about 1 inch wide) from the center down. Stop just behind the ends, which makes the waves look fake. 1. Run your fingers through the waves to break them up. 1. Use your fingers to create a center part and pull your hair back into a really loose ponytail and secure it a few inches above the nape of the neck. RELATED LINKS: Daily Beauty Reporter: Sexy Hair in Five Minutes Flat Daily Beauty Reporter: Simple, Sexy Ponytail Daily Beauty Reporter: How to Make Your Hair Instantly Sexy”
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Czech to English:
“Last time I saw someone using a horse wheel, they could have been in high school. Get ready for the ball. And it wasnt even a good sight. But Charlize Therons version is completely different and much cooler. And not just because its Charlize Theron. Her ponytail is cool and relaxed, and the curls look natural (even though theyre not). Copying the look requires more effort than a regular ponytail, but not too much: 1. If your hair is not naturally thick and bouncy (lucky you), comb brown hair from wet hair, from roots to ends. 1. Blow-dry your hair until its 100% dry (prevents scalp). 1. Curl your hair using a large barrel curling iron (about 1 inch wide) from the center down. Stop just behind the ends, which makes the waves look fake. 1. Run your fingers through the waves to break them up. 1. Use your fingers to create a center part and pull your hair back into a really loose ponytail and secure it a few inches above the nape of the neck. RELATED LINKS: Daily Beauty Reporter: Sexy Hair in Five Minutes Flat Daily Beauty Reporter: Simple, Sexy Ponytail Daily Beauty Reporter: How to Make Your Hair Instantly Sexy”