Mel B byla velmi experimentální se svými vlasy už pozdě, hrála s různými odstíny jednorožce. Ale její nejnovější účes, který ona debutovala Amerika má talent když nosí alabastrové krajkové kombinézy, je hoden X-Men‘s Storm nebo ledová blondýnka Hra o trůny monarch Daenerys Targaryen.
The AGT soudce představil s jejími kolegy členy Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, a Simon Cowell. A pojďme být opravdová: Všechny oči byly na asymetrické “Spice Girl”, která měla na jedné straně stříbřitě bílou základnu pokrytou modrým třpytem. Na druhé straně měla bílo-blond vlasy s dlouhými pasy, aby zůstala volná.
Samozřejmě Mel B pomohl vyndat tuto barvu díky některým rozšířením. Dosažení tohoto oslnivého odstínu může být určitě procesem, a tak jsme se vydali na Kristana Serafina, který si udělal vlasy Ryana Reynoldse a Jonem Hammem, aby zjistili, zda mohou pravidelní lidé (překlad: non-celebrity) vybírat barvu jako ona sama pramenů. Odpověď: Něco takového. “Potřebuje důvěru, spoustu trpělivosti a dychtivost”, aby tuto Matku draků získala – esque odstín, říká.
Pokud se snažíte barvit vlasy: “Bělidlo si dávejte pozor, protože vlasy musí být nejprve bělené a zbaveny barvy, vyžaduje zkušený a talentovaný kadeřník vlasů, který chrání integritu vlasových pramenů. pravidelně se dotýkáte. Ujistěte se, že váš barevník má zkušenosti s retušováním kořenů, “říká Serafino. “Jakékoliv překrytí bělení na vlasy, které bylo již dříve bělené, může způsobit poškození nebo nejhorší případ, zlomení.”
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As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text.
Mel B has been very experimental with her hair for a long time, playing with different shades of unicorn. But her latest hairstyle, which she debuted on Americas Got Talent when wearing alabaster lace combinations, is worthy of X-Mens Storm or Game of Thrones ice blonde monarch Daenerys Targaryen. The AGT judge introduced her colleagues Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, and Simon Cowell. And lets be real: all eyes were on the asymmetrical “Spice Girl,” who had a silver-white base covered in blue glitter on one side. On the other side, she had white-blonde hair with long strands to stay loose. NBC, of course, helped Mel B achieve this color thanks to some extensions. Achieving this dazzling shade can certainly be a process, so we went to Kristana Serafina, who did Ryan Reynolds and Jon Hamms hair, to find out if regular people can choose colors like her own strands. The answer: something like that. “It takes confidence, a lot of patience, and eagerness” to get this Mother of Dragons-esque shade, he says. If youre trying to dye your hair: “Be careful with bleach because the hair must first be bleached and stripped of color, requiring an experienced and talented hairdresser who protects the integrity of the hair strands. regularly touches. Make sure your colorist has experience with root touch-ups,” says Serafino. “Any overlap of bleaching on hair that has already been bleached can cause damage or, worst-case scenario, breakage.”
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text.
Mel B has been very experimental with her hair for a long time, playing with different shades of unicorn. But her latest hairstyle, which she debuted on Americas Got Talent when wearing alabaster lace combinations, is worthy of X-Mens Storm or Game of Thrones ice blonde monarch Daenerys Targaryen. The AGT judge introduced her colleagues Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, and Simon Cowell. And lets be real: all eyes were on the asymmetrical “Spice Girl,” who had a silver-white base covered in blue glitter on one side. On the other side, she had white-blonde hair with long strands to stay loose. NBC, of course, helped Mel B achieve this color thanks to some extensions. Achieving this dazzling shade can certainly be a process, so we went to Kristana Serafina, who did Ryan Reynolds and Jon Hamms hair, to find out if regular people can choose colors like her own strands. The answer: something like that. “It takes confidence, a lot of patience, and eagerness” to get this Mother of Dragons-esque shade, he says. If youre trying to dye your hair: “Be careful with bleach because the hair must first be bleached and stripped of color, requiring an experienced and talented hairdresser who protects the integrity of the hair strands. regularly touches. Make sure your colorist has experience with root touch-ups,” says Serafino. “Any overlap of bleaching on hair that has already been bleached can cause damage or, worst-case scenario, breakage.”