Dovolte mi začít tím, že říkám: “Jsem hrdá kudrnatá dívka. Ano, to mi trvalo mnoho let, když jsem zjistila, jak pracovat s kadeřinami (klíč: nechte to dělat, co dělá, baby), ale musím být upřímný a říci, že také miluju dobrý výbuch. A já jsem s velkým zájmem četl “Přímý příběh” Judith Newmanové, v * Allureův únorový problém (nyní stojí)*. Newman, také kudrnatá dívka, se vrhla do keratinového narovnání – něco, co asi nemám dělat, ale pochopil jsem, proč to udělala. Pokud se také rozhodnete projít touto cestou, existují některé základní věci po péči, které musíte mít na paměti. Mluvil jsem s kadeřníkem, aby zjistil, jak se starat o vaše nově zakřivené zámky.
Bude mi ještě potřebovat foukání a sukni? Záleží na tom, jak vypadáte. “Co většina žen miluje při získávání brazilského výbuchu, je, že mohou dostat pryč s dobrým přirozeným vzhledem,” říká kadeřník Robert Vasquez z Garren Salonu v New Yorku. Ale pokud chcete, aby vlasy byly extrémně rovné a elegantní, budete možná muset používat nástroje pro tepelné stylování, i když by to mělo trvat mnohem méně času,.
Můžu si vlasy zbarvit? Můžete to udělat, ale až po rovnání léku, ne dříve. “Šampon, který zahajuje léčbu, je vysvětlující šampon,” říká Vasquez. “Pokud jste právě dostali barvu, šampon může odbarvit barvu.” On má klientů čekat čtyři až pět dní mezi zbarvením a rovnání, aby barva šance plně zpracovat.
Jak brzy mohu umýt nebo mokrý? Počkejte alespoň tři dny až týden před vypláchnutím vlasů: “Vaše vlasy jsou v křehkém stavu poté, co jste to urovnali,” říká kadeřník Ted Gibson. “Pocení, vlhkost a vlhkost mohou přerušit proces narovnání.” Používejte šampony a kondicionéry bez síranu, jako je L’Oréal EverPure, protože sírany mohou odstranit vyrovnávací chemikálie z vlasů. “Chlor a mořská voda mohou také vytáhnout z vlasů,” říká Vasquez, něco, co si všimnete, pokud jste oddaný plavec.
Související odkazy:
Denní krása reportér: Překvapující triky pro poslední výstřel
Denní krása reportér: Je vaše oblíbená narovnávání léčba nyní zakázána?
Uvnitř Allure: Vystrašený Straight
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
“Allow me to start by saying: “I am a proud curly girl.” Yes, it took me many years to figure out how to work with curls (key: let it do what it does, baby), but I must be honest and say that I also love a good blowout. And I read with great interest Judith Newmans “Straight Story” in Allures February issue (now on stands). Newman, also a curly girl, dove into keratin straightening – something I probably wont do, but I understood why she did it. If you decide to go down this path, there are some basic care things you need to keep in mind. I spoke with a stylist to find out how to care for your newly straightened locks. Will I still need to blow-dry and flat iron? It depends on how you look. “What most women love about getting a Brazilian blowout is that they can get away with a good natural look,” says stylist Robert Vasquez of Garren Salon in New York. But if you want your hair to be extremely straight and sleek, you may need to use heat styling tools, although it should take much less time. Can I color my hair? You can, but only after the straightening treatment, not before. “The shampoo that initiates the treatment is a clarifying shampoo,” says Vasquez. “If you just got color, the shampoo can strip the color.” He has clients wait four to five days between coloring and straightening to give the color a chance to fully process. How soon can I wash or wet my hair? Wait at least three days to a week before rinsing your hair: “Your hair is in a fragile state after you straighten it,” says stylist Ted Gibson. “Sweat, humidity, and moisture can disrupt the straightening process.” Use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, like LOreal EverPure, because sulfates can remove straightening chemicals from your hair. “Chlorine and saltwater can also pull from your hair,” says Vasquez, something youll notice if youre a dedicated swimmer. Related links: Daily Beauty Reporter: Surprising Tricks for Your Last Blowout Daily Beauty Reporter: Is Your Favorite Straightening Treatment Now Banned? Inside Allure: Scared Straight PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:
“Allow me to start by saying: “I am a proud curly girl.” Yes, it took me many years to figure out how to work with curls (key: let it do what it does, baby), but I must be honest and say that I also love a good blowout. And I read with great interest Judith Newmans “Straight Story” in Allures February issue (now on stands). Newman, also a curly girl, dove into keratin straightening – something I probably wont do, but I understood why she did it. If you decide to go down this path, there are some basic care things you need to keep in mind. I spoke with a stylist to find out how to care for your newly straightened locks. Will I still need to blow-dry and flat iron? It depends on how you look. “What most women love about getting a Brazilian blowout is that they can get away with a good natural look,” says stylist Robert Vasquez of Garren Salon in New York. But if you want your hair to be extremely straight and sleek, you may need to use heat styling tools, although it should take much less time. Can I color my hair? You can, but only after the straightening treatment, not before. “The shampoo that initiates the treatment is a clarifying shampoo,” says Vasquez. “If you just got color, the shampoo can strip the color.” He has clients wait four to five days between coloring and straightening to give the color a chance to fully process. How soon can I wash or wet my hair? Wait at least three days to a week before rinsing your hair: “Your hair is in a fragile state after you straighten it,” says stylist Ted Gibson. “Sweat, humidity, and moisture can disrupt the straightening process.” Use sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, like LOreal EverPure, because sulfates can remove straightening chemicals from your hair. “Chlorine and saltwater can also pull from your hair,” says Vasquez, something youll notice if youre a dedicated swimmer. Related links: Daily Beauty Reporter: Surprising Tricks for Your Last Blowout Daily Beauty Reporter: Is Your Favorite Straightening Treatment Now Banned? Inside Allure: Scared Straight PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES