Věděli jste, že je v pondělí střední část? Pravděpodobně jste to neudělal – je to jen rituál, který každý týden osobně sleduji jen můj spolubydlící. V pondělí rozdělíme naše vlasy uprostřed. A co začalo jako hloupá tradice mezi nejlepšími kamarády, se ve skutečnosti změnilo v odhalení vlasů: Střední část je neuvěřitelně lichotivá.
Styl vytváří řadu symetrie, která vám okamžitě přitahuje atraktivitu a zobrazuje vaše nejlepší funkce. Ať jsou vaše vlasy zvlněné (dívka vedle) nebo nemožně (sexy tajný agent), prodlužte část zpět celou cestu. “Centrální část by měla dosáhnout koruny, aby opravdu ukázala oči a lícní kosti,” říká celebritový kadeřník Ted Gibson. “Čím dál jde část, tím víc otevírá tvář.”
Pokud nám nevěříte, podívejte se na jakoukoli fotku Jennifer Anistonové, která se od svého sňatku s Brad Pittem chvěla. A pokud budete potřebovat ještě jiný důvod, zkuste to: Zvažovali jsme pohled na více než 15 hlavních módních přehlídek na jaře 2013 (včetně Prabal Gurung, Ralph Lauren, Zac Posen, Alexander Wang a zleva doprava). Victoria Beckham).
Pokud se rozhodnete vstoupit do našeho klubu, napište nám svůj styl @Allure_magazine, #middlepartmonday.
⋅ Denní krása reportér: Jak najít své nejvíce lichotivé části
⋅ Denní krása Reporter: 10 druhého vlasového trendu
⋅ Denní reportáž krásy: Pohled ze salonku krásy: Inspirace pro víkendové víkendy
As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:
“Did you know that Monday is the middle part day? You probably didnt – its just a ritual that only my roommate and I personally observe every week. On Mondays, we part our hair in the middle. And what started as a silly tradition between best friends has actually turned into a hair revelation: the middle part is incredibly flattering. The style creates a symmetrical line that instantly draws attention to your best features and highlights your attractiveness. Whether your hair is wavy (girl next door) or impossible (sexy secret agent), extend the part all the way back. “The center part should reach the crown to really show off the eyes and cheekbones,” says celebrity hairstylist Ted Gibson. “The further the part goes, the more it opens up the face.” If you dont believe us, just look at any photo of Jennifer Aniston, who has been rocking it since her marriage to Brad Pitt. And if you need another reason, try this: weve considered the look on more than 15 major spring 2013 fashion shows (including Prabal Gurung, Ralph Lauren, Zac Posen, Alexander Wang, and Victoria Beckham, from left to right). If you decide to join our club, tag us with your style @Allure_magazine, #middlepartmonday. RELATED LINKS: ⋅ Daily Beauty Reporter: How to Find Your Most Flattering Part ⋅ Daily Beauty Reporter: 10 Second Hair Trend ⋅ Daily Beauty Reporter: Salon Style: Weekend Hair Inspiration”
As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:
“Did you know that Monday is the middle part day? You probably didnt – its just a ritual that only my roommate and I personally observe every week. On Mondays, we part our hair in the middle. And what started as a silly tradition between best friends has actually turned into a hair revelation: the middle part is incredibly flattering. The style creates a symmetrical line that instantly draws attention to your best features and highlights your attractiveness. Whether your hair is wavy (girl next door) or impossible (sexy secret agent), extend the part all the way back. “The center part should reach the crown to really show off the eyes and cheekbones,” says celebrity hairstylist Ted Gibson. “The further the part goes, the more it opens up the face.” If you dont believe us, just look at any photo of Jennifer Aniston, who has been rocking it since her marriage to Brad Pitt. And if you need another reason, try this: weve considered the look on more than 15 major fashion shows for spring 2013 (including Prabal Gurung, Ralph Lauren, Zac Posen, Alexander Wang, and Victoria Beckham, from left to right). If you decide to join our club, tag us with your style @Allure_magazine, #middlepartmonday. RELATED LINKS: ⋅ Daily Beauty Reporter: How to Find Your Most Flattering Part ⋅ Daily Beauty Reporter: 10 Second Hair Trends ⋅ Daily Beauty Reporter: Beauty Salon View: Weekend Inspiration”