Освен външния вид на грима, има и още една тенденция, която притежава последните писти в Ню Йорк, Милано и Париж: блестящи устни. Виждали сме го в шоута като DKNY, Givenchy и Fendi и оттогава сме го виждали на смели топ модели и знаменитости като Наоми Кембъл, Жасмин Сандърс и Ема Стоун. И тази вечер, Кат Греъм доказа, че този външен вид никъде няма никъде. Тъй като звездата на “Вампирските дневници” потегли надолу по червения килим “Грами” 2023, не само блестящата й рокля, но и блестящите й червени блестящи устни.
Греъм се появи в червена, черна и бяла рокля с едно рамо и минимални аксесоари. И наистина не се нуждаеше от нея – тази устна беше достатъчно бижутерия. Това е първият път, когато видяхме Греъм да носи тази тенденция и TBH, може би е един от нейните най-смели моменти на красотата на червения килим досега. Греъм също запази останалата част от красотата си, изглеждаше минимална, позволявайки на блестящите й устни да блеснат в центъра на вниманието. Тя сдърпа устни с лек бронзов контур и бял молив по водната линия. Нейната лъскава коса беше прибрана зад ушите й, за да се увери, че не са покривали тези удивителни устни. Докато нямаме точния нюанс, нанесен от Греъм, благодарение на бума в блестящия грим напоследък, има много начини да откраднем този ослепителен външен вид:
Glitterati Lip Top Top в Ignite, $ 22
Преобразувайте любимото си червено червило във видение на блясък с няколко върха на този висококачествен покривен слой.
Lancôme Le Metallique Метален лак за устни в Руж Магма $ 22
Няколко препятствия от това хибридно червило ще ви оставят с хипнотизиращ червен нюанс.
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Козметични блестящи в червено, $ 15
Леко потупвайте този метален блясък върху червилата за завършване на пистата.
Още от Грами 2023:
- Грами 2023: Роклята на Laverne Cox се държи заедно с малки сребърни вериги
- Най-красивите изглеждат на Грами 2023
- Най-запомнящото се изглежда от 2023 г. Грами
Milani Amore Matte Метален крем за устни в матии в любов, $ 8.99
Тази метална червена устна ще ви даде забележим намек за блясък, без да е необходима допълнителна стъпка.
Lemonhead космическа паста блясък Spackle в Рузвелт $ 22
Тази блестяща помада добавя подобен ефект на продадения комплект OG Pat McGrath.
Вижте сега най-шокиращите прилики на Грами:
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
Apart from the appearance of makeup, there is another trend that has taken over the latest runways in New York, Milan, and Paris: shiny lips. We have seen it in shows like DKNY, Givenchy, and Fendi, and since then, we have seen it on bold top models and celebrities like Naomi Campbell, Jasmine Sanders, and Emma Stone. And tonight, Kat Graham proved that this look is nowhere near over. As the star of “The Vampire Diaries” walked down the red carpet at the 2017 Grammys, not only was her shiny dress shining, but her shiny red lips were too. Graham appeared in a red, black, and white one-shoulder dress with minimal accessories. And she really didnt need any – that lip was enough jewelry. This is the first time weve seen Graham wear this trend, and TBH, it may be one of her boldest beauty moments on the red carpet yet. Graham also kept the rest of her beauty minimal, allowing her shiny lips to shine in the center of attention. She pulled her lips with a light bronze contour and white pencil on the waterline. Her shiny hair was tucked behind her ears to make sure they didnt cover those amazing lips. While we dont have the exact shade applied by Graham, thanks to the boom in shiny makeup lately, there are many ways to steal this dazzling look: Glitterati Lip Top Top in Ignite, $ 22. Transform your favorite red lipstick into a vision of shine with a few tips on this high-quality cover layer. Lancôme Le Metallique Metal Lip Lacquer in Rouge Magma $ 22. A few obstacles from this hybrid lipstick will leave you with a mesmerizing red hue. Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Cosmetic Shimmer in Red, $ 15. Lightly tap this metallic shine on the lips to finish the runway. More from the 2017 Grammys: Grammys 2017: Laverne Coxs dress held together with small silver chains The most beautiful looks at the 2017 Grammys The most memorable looks from the 2017 Grammys Milani Amore Matte Metal Matte Lip Cream in Love, $ 8.99. This metallic red lip will give you a noticeable hint of shine without the need for an additional step. Lemonhead
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
Apart from the appearance of makeup, there is another trend that has taken over the latest runways in New York, Milan, and Paris: shiny lips. We have seen it in shows like DKNY, Givenchy, and Fendi, and since then, we have seen it on bold top models and celebrities like Naomi Campbell, Jasmine Sanders, and Emma Stone. And tonight, Kat Graham proved that this look is nowhere near over. As the star of “The Vampire Diaries” walked down the red carpet at the 2017 Grammys, not only was her shiny dress shining, but her shiny red lips were too. Graham appeared in a red, black, and white one-shoulder dress with minimal accessories. And she really didnt need any – that lip was enough jewelry. This is the first time weve seen Graham wear this trend, and TBH, it may be one of her boldest beauty moments on the red carpet yet. Graham also kept the rest of her beauty minimal, allowing her shiny lips to shine in the center of attention. She pulled her lips with a light bronze contour and white pencil on the waterline. Her shiny hair was tucked behind her ears to make sure they didnt cover those amazing lips. While we dont have the exact shade applied by Graham, thanks to the boom in shiny makeup lately, there are many ways to steal this dazzling look: Glitterati Lip Top Top in Ignite, $ 22 Transform your favorite red lipstick into a vision of shine with a few tips on this high-quality cover layer. Lancôme Le Metallique Metal Lip Lacquer in Rouge Magma $ 22 A few obstacles from this hybrid lipstick will leave you with a hypnotic red hue. Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Cosmetic Shimmer in Red, $ 15 Lightly tap this metallic shine on the lips to finish the runway. More from Grammys 2017: Grammys 2017: Laverne Coxs dress held together with small silver chains The most beautiful looks at the Grammys 2017 The most memorable looks from the 2017 Grammys Milani Amore Matte Metal Matte Lip Cream in Love, $ 8.99 This metallic red lip will give you a noticeable hint of shine without the need for an additional step. Lemonhead Cosmic Paste Gloss Spackle