据报道,今天卫生和人类服务部宣布对标题X进行彻底改变,标题X是联邦拨款计划,为全国各组织提供急需的计划生育服务资金。被称为“国内禁言规则”的新政策基本上是联邦政府阴险的“全球禁言规则”的国家版本,禁止国际医疗保健提供者提供,咨询,甚至 提 堕胎,如果他们想要获得美国资金。特朗普政府的这一最新举措将阻止提供堕胎的医疗服务提供者或与患者进行讨论 任何 联邦计划生育资金。
这意味着提供商将面临一个选择: 要么停止提供或谈论堕胎,要么不再获得Title X资金, 这可能迫使他们削减服务甚至关门。
您可能不知道标题X,但如果您或您认识的任何人从计划生育中获得过生育控制权,您就是这个近50年历史的联邦计划的受益者。 Title X由总统理查德·尼克松于1970年签署成为法律,是唯一一个致力于计划生育服务的联邦计划,它专注于帮助低收入,低保险和无保险的人获得负担得起的医疗服务。 Planned Parenthood报告称,每年有超过四百万人依赖Title X资助,其中41%是计划生育患者。
“堵嘴规则”禁止联邦政府资助组织的医生,护士和其他医疗保健提供者提供堕胎和提供堕胎服务 任何信息 关于它,可能会迫使他们骗他们的病人。例如,如果怀孕妇女去她的医疗保健提供者询问堕胎,她的提供者可能不仅被禁止将她转介给堕胎提供者,而且还要回答关于该程序的基本问题。
除此之外,这项政策将对依赖Title X而不仅仅是计划生育的400多万人产生深远的危害。他们中的许多人都是低收入女性,无处可寻。标题X不仅提供高质量的计划生育服务和信息;它还为那些缺乏医疗保健服务的人提供预防性护理,包括健康检查,癌症筛查等。
美国计划生育联合会(PPFA)执行副总裁Dawn Laguens在通过电子邮件发送给新闻界成员的声明中说:“每个人都有权获得有关其医疗保健的信息 – 包括有关安全,合法堕胎的信息 – 无论她赚多少钱或生活在哪里,每个女人都应该得到最好的医疗和信息。无论如何。他们不会得到这个规则。“
避孕和堕胎是两种不同的服务,但它们都是综合生殖保健的重要组成部分。根据疾病控制和预防中心的数据,古特马赫研究所报告说,四分之一的美国女性将在45岁之前进行堕胎,而高达99%的美国性行为女性至少使用过一种避孕方法。 。
- 研究表明你可以安全地诱导自己的堕胎
- 危机怀孕中心如何欺骗需要堕胎的妇女
- 节育:3种不同的类型及其工作原理
这篇报道讲述了美国政府最新的决定,即恢复限制并削减许多生殖保健提供者的联邦资金。这项决定被称为“国内禁言规则”,禁止国际医疗保健提供者提供、咨询甚至提供堕胎,如果他们想要获得美国资金。这项决定将对依赖Title X而不仅仅是计划生育的400多万人产生深远的危害。他们中的许多人都是低收入女性,无处可寻。标题X不仅提供高质量的计划生育服务和信息,还为那些缺乏医疗保健服务的人提供预防性护理,包括健康检查,癌症筛查等。这项决定将成为本届政府对妇女生殖权利的攻击的严重升级,进一步表明它一心想要不仅侵犯安全和合法堕胎,而且还要侵犯生育控制和其他基本生殖保健服务。
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This is reported by author Lauren Rankin, who says that the White House is expected to restore restrictions that would cut federal funding to many reproductive healthcare providers in the United States. According to reports, the Department of Health and Human Services announced today a complete overhaul of Title X, a federal funding program that provides much-needed family planning service funds to organizations nationwide. The new policy, known as the “domestic gag rule,” is essentially a national version of the federal governments insidious “global gag rule,” which prohibits international healthcare providers from offering, counseling, or even mentioning abortion if they want to receive U.S. funding. This latest move by the Trump administration will prevent medical service providers who offer abortion services or discuss them with patients from receiving any federal family planning funds. This means that providers will face a choice: either stop providing or discussing abortions, or no longer receive Title X funding, which could force them to cut services or even close their doors. This ruling will be a serious escalation of this administrations attack on womens reproductive rights, further demonstrating its desire to not only infringe on safe and legal abortions, but also on birth control and other basic reproductive healthcare services. This is just the latest development in this governments terrifying record of dismantling reproductive rights, which includes dismantling the Affordable Care Acts birth control mandate and attempting to prevent undocumented young people from obtaining abortions. The “gag rule” shows that the Trump administration is steadfast in its efforts to erode basic reproductive healthcare services. You may not know Title X, but if you or anyone you know has ever obtained birth control from Planned Parenthood, you are a beneficiary of this nearly 50-year-old federal program. Title X was signed into law by President Richard Nixon in 1970 and is the only federal program dedicated to family planning services, focusing on helping low-income, underinsured, and uninsured individuals access affordable medical care. Planned Parenthood reports that over four million people rely on Title X funding each year, with 41% being family planning patients. The “gag rule” prohibits doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers funded by the federal government from providing abortions and any information about them, which may force them to deceive their patients. For example, if a pregnant woman goes to her healthcare provider asking about abortion, her provider may not only be prohibited from referring