Jste-li jedním z těch lidí, kteří fastidiously rotuje konec prázdné trubky zubní pasty, aby se z ní dostala jedna poslední mlžová mýdla, máme pro Vás šatku s úsměvem na make-up!
Zatímco není technicky kouzelná, Nikki Magic Wand má za cíl zajistit, aby na dně kontejneru nezůstal žádný lesk na rty, korektor, nátěr atd. Jedná se o hůlku s špičkou velikosti Barbie na konci, která vám umožní škrábat drogy ze dna trubky. To je hodně – podle webových stránek je to asi 15 procent celého produktu. To je 3 dolarů v hodnotě $ 3! To je jako dvě tašky švédské ryby! Vím, je to docela těžké dostat nadšení asi 3 dolary, ale tyto dolary přidat až $ 6, pokud máte dva $ 20 concealers, nebo $ 9, pokud máte tři! OK, to není sexy věc, ale v této ekonomice, která si může dovolit, aby v průběhu svého života ztratila pravděpodobně lesk na rty tisíce dolarů?
Tato hůlka funguje na kontejnery, které jsou čtvercové, kulaté, husté nebo tenké a pravděpodobně mohou být dokonce použity i na řasenky, ačkoli to, co byste udělali, jakmile dosáhnete řasenky na špachtle, není jasné. V podstatě by to byl dobrý nákup pro někoho, kdo je posedlý tím, že získá peníze za své peníze, nebo jen opravdu rád vyškrábe věci z jiných věcí, které, jako kdyby někdo, kdo někdy použil špachtlu, aby oškrábal těsto z mísy ví, je ne bez jeho odměn.
• Jaký je váš rozpočet na krásu??
• Divné nové vlasové nástroje, které opravdu fungují
• 10 pod 20 USD: Nástroje pro make-up
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:
If you are one of those people who fastidiously rotates the end of an empty toothpaste tube to get one last squirt of product, we have a smile-inducing makeup tool for you! While not technically magical, the Nikki Magic Wand aims to ensure that no gloss, concealer, or foundation is left at the bottom of the container. Its a wand with a Barbie-sized tip at the end that allows you to scrape drugs from the bottom of the tube. Thats a lot – according to the website, its about 15 percent of the entire product. Thats $3 worth of value! Thats like two bags of Swedish fish! I know its pretty hard to get excited about $3, but those dollars add up to $6 if you have two $20 concealers, or $9 if you have three! Okay, its not a sexy thing, but in this economy, who can afford to lose probably thousands of dollars of lip gloss over their lifetime? This wand works on containers that are square, round, thick, or thin and can probably even be used on mascaras, although what you would do once you reach the mascara on the wand is unclear. Basically, it would be a good buy for someone who is obsessed with getting their moneys worth or just really likes to scrape things out of other things, which, like anyone who has ever used a spatula to scrape dough out of a bowl knows, is not without its rewards. RELATED LINKS: • Whats Your Beauty Budget? • Weird New Hair Tools That Actually Work • 10 Under $20: Makeup Tools
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:
If you are one of those people who fastidiously rotates the end of an empty toothpaste tube to get one last squirt of product, we have a smile-inducing makeup tool for you! While not technically magical, the Nikki Magic Wand aims to ensure that no gloss, concealer, or foundation is left at the bottom of the container. Its a wand with a Barbie-sized tip at the end that allows you to scrape drugs from the bottom of the tube. Thats a lot – according to the website, its about 15 percent of the entire product. Thats $3 worth of value! Thats like two bags of Swedish fish! I know its pretty hard to get excited about $3, but those dollars add up to $6 if you have two $20 concealers, or $9 if you have three! Okay, its not a sexy thing, but in this economy, who can afford to lose probably thousands of dollars of lip gloss over their lifetime? This wand works on containers that are square, round, thick, or thin and can probably even be used on mascaras, although what you would do once you reach the mascara on the wand is unclear. Basically, it would be a good buy for someone who is obsessed with getting their moneys worth or just really likes to scrape things out of other things, which, like anyone who has ever used a spatula to scrape dough out of a bowl knows, is not without its rewards. RELATED LINKS: • Whats Your Beauty Budget? • Weird New Hair Tools That Actually Work • 10 Under $20: Makeup Tools