Jako editor krásy si přátele přála mě požádat o recidivu produktu a poradenství (nebo jestli mohu získat Kylie Lip Kit). “Jaká kapalina je nejlepší pro kočičí oči?” je ruka dolů nejvyšší otázku, kterou dostanu. A kvůli novému limitovanému vydání Nars eyeliner, The Unrestricted Eyeliner Stylo, moje odpověď se nedávno (a dočasně) změnila.
Nejpozoruhodnější věc na nových vložkách je, že ačkoli přicházejí jen v černé barvě, můžete si vybrat buď matné nebo saténové, stejně jako rtěnku. Považuji se za nadšenec kočičího oka, takže mám rád volby. Matte je skvělá volba pro začínající kočky. Vzorec je mnohem více odpouštějící než saténový a je snadné jej odstranit, pokud se z toho dostanete.
Jako auto-vyhlášená pro kočka pro, jsem o satén. Vypadá to jako lakovaná laková kůže. Navíc se to nezapomíná na šílený stupeň. Natáhl jsem ji na zadní straně mé ruky, na konci dne jsem se sprchoval a druhý den ráno to bylo ještě na mé ruce, aby všichni viděli. To je bláznivá dobrá síla, ale možná není nejlepší volbou pro rozmazané a náchylné novice.
Nejste si zcela jisti, jak nakaždět kočičí oko? Můžete sledovat tyto užitečné GIF. Podle mého názoru, lemování podél linie řas, pak přidání flick je nejsnadnější. Chcete-li získat perfektní pohyb, položte špičku vložky o pár centimetrů pod ocas ocasu a pak ji nakreslete diagonálně, abyste se spojili s čárou řas. Pak ta-da, ve městě budete mít nejlepší kočičí oko.
Nyní se naučíte, jak vytvořit oči s jasnou linií:
As an avid beauty editor, my friends often ask me for product recommendations and advice (or if I can get them a Kylie Lip Kit). “What liquid is best for cat eyes?” is hands down the highest question I receive. And due to the new limited edition Nars eyeliner, The Unrestricted Eyeliner Stylo, my answer has recently (and temporarily) changed. The most notable thing about the new liners is that although they only come in black, you can choose either matte or satin, just like lipstick. I consider myself a cat eye enthusiast, so I love the options. Matte is a great choice for beginner cats. The formula is much more forgiving than satin and is easy to remove if you mess up. As a self-proclaimed cat pro, Im all about satin. It looks like patent leather. Plus, it doesnt budge to a crazy degree. I swatched it on the back of my hand, showered at the end of the day, and the next morning it was still on my hand for all to see. Thats crazy good staying power, but maybe not the best choice for smudgy and prone novices. The only final point I want to make about both matte and satin pens: The applicator is ah-mahz-ing. Its supersoft and easy to maneuver, and by setting the pressure of your hand and handle so lightly, you can easily create a thin or thick line. Some of the pens Ive tried dont give you nearly as much control. But if you go crazy, maybe I suggest it to you. Courtesy of Nars Not quite sure how to cat eye? You can watch these helpful GIFs. In my opinion, lining along the lash line, then adding a flick is the easiest. To get the perfect movement, place the tip of the liner a few centimeters below the tail of the tail and then draw it diagonally to connect with the lash line. Then ta-da, in the city you will have the best cat eye. Both limited edition Nars eyeliners are now available at narscosmetics.com for $27 each. Sad part: They are only available for three months (after which I will return to my original step), Kat Von D tattoo in trooper.). Now you will learn how to create eyes with a clear line:
As an avid beauty editor, my friends often ask me for product recommendations and advice (or if I can get them a Kylie Lip Kit). “What liquid is best for cat eyes?” is hands down the highest question I receive. And due to the new limited edition Nars eyeliner, The Unrestricted Eyeliner Stylo, my answer has recently (and temporarily) changed. The most notable thing about the new liners is that although they only come in black, you can choose either matte or satin, just like lipstick. I consider myself a cat eye enthusiast, so I love the options. Matte is a great choice for beginner cats. The formula is much more forgiving than satin and is easy to remove if you mess up. As a self-proclaimed cat pro, Im all about satin. It looks like patent leather. Plus, it doesnt budge to a crazy degree. I swatched it on the back of my hand, showered at the end of the day, and the next morning it was still on my hand for all to see. Thats crazy good staying power, but maybe not the best choice for smudgy and prone novices. The only final point I want to make about both matte and satin pens: The applicator is ah-mahz-ing. Its supersoft and easy to maneuver, and by setting the pressure of your hand and handle so lightly, you can easily create a thin or thick line. Some of the pens Ive tried dont give you nearly as much control. But if you go crazy, maybe I suggest it to you. Courtesy of Nars Not quite sure how to cat eye? You can watch these helpful GIFs. In my opinion, lining along the lash line, then adding a flick is the easiest. To get the perfect movement, place the tip of the liner a few centimeters below the tail of the tail and then draw it diagonally to connect with the lash line. Then ta-da, in the city you will have the best cat eye. Both limited edition Nars eyeliners are now available at narscosmetics.com for $27 each. Sad part: They are only available for three months (after which I will return to my original step), Kat Von D tattoo in trooper.). Now you will learn how to create eyes with a clear line: