Vypadá to, že tohle je léto, kterou Lena Dunham experimentuje s vlasy – velký čas. Herečka nedávno rozsekala značné množství délek a vezla do Instagramu, aby předvedla značku, která vypustila nový stříbrný papír, který na ni vypadá docela zázračně. Dunhamova kotleta přichází v době, kdy se spousta oslav vybírá oříznutý vzhled: Katy Perry, Zoe Kravitz, Keke Palmer a Cara Delevingne jsou houpací superkrátky, takže Dunham je opravdu dobrá společnost.
Nicméně, i po takovém dramatickém účesu chápeme smádu, abychom se dokonce pokusili více stylů. Koneckonců, transformace vlasů mohou být docela návykové. A zdá se, že Lena zachytila chybu a vezla na svou stránku Instagram, aby ji postránila s novým účesem, který je právě teď super trendem. Dunham zveřejnil sérii sebejistot z jejího kývání mořské panny-esque lehké tyrkysové a lilac boob-délka paruka s šedými tóny, podávat “pod mořem” realitu. Hvězdářka, která se na ni dívá, se dívá do kamery, zatímco její boky z boků obklopovaly její obličej.
Pohled na Instagram
“Velmi profesionálně zaneprázdněný vyzkoušet důležité vzhledy a styly, takže plz nevolá ani nepsá,” poznamenala obrazy jejího představení v novém příčesku. Samozřejmě, její fanoušci opravdu cítili pohled, Dunham se komplimenty v komentáři. “Vypadáš jako mořská panna, naprosto ohromující,” napsal jeden člověk. “Může to být pro tebe ještě víc epické? Vypadá to, že to byl vytvořený spec pro tu obličej,” ozval se další. “Každý by se každou chvíli měl cítit jako mořská panna,” komentoval ještě další uživatel – a musíme souhlasit!
Nemůžeme lhát: Jsme posedlí duhovkou, mořskou pannou, jednorožcem, západem slunce – v podstatě jakýkoli druh nekonvenčního barvení, takže doufáme, že uvidíme báječně zbarvené paruky na gram od paní Dunhamové. No tak, Lene, dáme lidem to, co chtějí!
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As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:
It seems that this is the summer when Lena Dunham experiments with her hair – its a big time. The actress recently cut off a significant amount of length and took to Instagram to showcase a brand that released a new silver paper that looks quite miraculous on her. Dunhams chop comes at a time when a lot of celebrations are opting for a cropped look: Katy Perry, Zoe Kravitz, Keke Palmer, and Cara Delevingne are rocking super short cuts, so Dunham is really in good company. However, even after such a dramatic haircut, we understand the desire to even try more styles. After all, hair transformations can be quite addictive. And it seems that Lena caught the bug and took to her Instagram page to flaunt a new hairstyle that is currently super trendy. Dunham posted a series of confident shots of herself rocking a mermaid-esque light turquoise and lilac boob-length wig with gray tones, serving “under the sea” realness. The starlet, who is looking at herself, looks into the camera while her hips surround her face. “Very professionally busy trying out important looks and styles, so plz dont call or write,” she noted the images of her new hairstyle. Of course, her fans really felt the look, and Dunham received compliments in the comments. “You look like a mermaid, absolutely stunning,” one person wrote. “Can it be any more epic for you? It looks like it was created specifically for that face,” another chimed in. “Everyone should feel like a mermaid at all times,” another user commented – and we have to agree! We cant lie: were obsessed with rainbow, mermaid, unicorn, sunset – basically any kind of unconventional coloring, so we hope to see wonderfully colored wigs on Mrs. Dunhams gram. Come on, Lena, give the people what they want!
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text into English:
It seems that this is the summer when Lena Dunham experiments with her hair – its a big time. The actress recently cut off a significant amount of length and took to Instagram to showcase a brand that released a new silver paper that looks quite miraculous on her. Dunhams chop comes at a time when a lot of celebrations are opting for a cropped look: Katy Perry, Zoe Kravitz, Keke Palmer, and Cara Delevingne are rocking super short cuts, so Dunham is really in good company. However, even after such a dramatic haircut, we understand the desire to even try more styles. After all, hair transformations can be quite addictive. And it seems that Lena caught the bug and took to her Instagram page to flaunt a new hairstyle that is currently super trendy. Dunham posted a series of confident shots of herself rocking a mermaid-esque light turquoise and lilac boob-length wig with gray tones, serving “under the sea” realness. The starlet, who is looking at herself, looks into the camera while her hips surround her face. “Very professionally busy trying out important looks and styles, so plz dont call or write,” she noted the images of her new hairstyle. Of course, her fans really felt the look, and Dunham received compliments in the comments. “You look like a mermaid, absolutely stunning,” one person wrote. “Can it be any more epic for you? It looks like it was created specifically for that face,” another chimed in. “Everyone should feel like a mermaid at all times,” another user commented – and we have to agree! We cant lie: were obsessed with rainbow, mermaid, unicorn, sunset – basically any kind of unconventional coloring, so we hope to see wonderfully colored wigs on Mrs. Dunhams gram. Come on, Lena, give the people what they want!