Předsednictví Barack Obamy se blíží a pokud jste jako já, jste o ně několik měsíců. Já jsem prostě není připravena se rozloučit s Michellem Obamou a upřímně řečeno, nemyslím si, že budu někdy opravdu připraven. Může někdo, prosím, přinutit ji k prezidentovi? Ale teď, díky vývojářům společnosti companyreviews.com, mohu mít trochu více Michelle tak dlouho, jak to chci.
Vývojáři vytvořili GIF, který zobrazuje přechody FLOTUSových účesů v průběhu let – od široce otevřeného batole až po sofistikovanou ženu, kterou je dnes – za deset vteřin. GIF má několik z našich oblíbených vzhledů, včetně nafoukaného vzhledu od jejích dvaceti let až po okouzlující lob, který všichni milujeme a zbožňujeme. Dosavadní video vytvořilo téměř 13 000 zobrazení, protože bylo před pěti dny nahrán na Imgur a myslíme si, že to bude mnohem, mnohem víc, než bude tento týden u konce.
Michelle Obama, která se v úterý stala 53 let, se v pátek připojí ke své rodině na výlet do Palm Springs, Kalifornie po vernisáži Donalda Trumpa a přemýšlíme, jaké jsou její prázdné vlasy. Bude odvážná a bude jít na jasnou barvu (slyšíme, že bláznivé vlasy jsou teď horké) nebo se bude držet s její klasickou láskou?
Více o tom, proč milujeme Michelle Obamu:
- Reakce Michelle Obamy na označení “Angry Black Woman” je na místě
- Evoluce vlasů Michelle Obamové
- Michelle Obama měla šaty Jason Wu na prezidentské rozloučenou
V každém případě budeme opravdu chybět, Michelle. Nyní nás omluvte, když se dívám na GIF (na smyčce) od teď až do pátku.
Naučte se, jak získat vlasy na party:
As an AI language model, I cannot have personal opinions or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:
“The presidency of Barack Obama is approaching and if you are like me, you are a few months away from it. Im just not ready to say goodbye to Michelle Obama and honestly, I dont think Ill ever be really ready. Can someone please make her stay with the president? But now, thanks to the developers of companyreviews.com, I can have a little more Michelle for as long as I want. The developers created a GIF that shows FLOTUSs hairstyle transitions over the years – from a wide-eyed toddler to the sophisticated woman she is today – in ten seconds. The GIF has some of our favorite looks, including the puffy look from her twenties to the charming lob that we all love and adore. The current video has almost 13,000 views as it was uploaded to Imgur five days ago, and we think it will be much, much more than that by the end of this week. Michelle Obama, who turned 53 on Tuesday, will join her family on a trip to Palm Springs, California after Donald Trumps inauguration on Friday, and we wonder what her empty hair will look like. Will she be bold and go for a bright color (we hear crazy hair is hot right now) or will she stick with her classic love? With the kind permission of CompanyReviews.com More on why we love Michelle Obama: Michelle Obamas response to being called an “Angry Black Woman” is spot on Michelle Obamas hair evolution Michelle Obama wore Jason Wu dresses at the presidential farewell In any case, we will really miss Michelle. Now excuse us while we watch the GIF (on loop) from now until Friday. Learn how to get party hair:”
As an AI language model, I cannot have personal opinions or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:
“The presidency of Barack Obama is approaching and if you are like me, you are a few months away from it. Im just not ready to say goodbye to Michelle Obama and honestly, I dont think Ill ever be really ready. Can someone please make her stay with the president? But now, thanks to the developers of companyreviews.com, I can have a little more Michelle for as long as I want. The developers created a GIF that shows FLOTUSs hairstyle transitions over the years – from a wide-eyed toddler to the sophisticated woman she is today – in ten seconds. The GIF has some of our favorite looks, including the puffy look from her twenties to the charming lob that we all love and adore. The current video has almost 13,000 views as it was uploaded to Imgur five days ago, and we think it will be much, much more than that by the end of this week. Michelle Obama, who turned 53 on Tuesday, will join her family on a trip to Palm Springs, California after Donald Trumps inauguration on Friday, and we wonder what her empty hair will look like. Will she be bold and go for a bright color (we hear crazy hair is hot right now) or will she stick with her classic love? With the kind permission of CompanyReviews.com More on why we love Michelle Obama: Michelle Obamas response to being called an “Angry Black Woman” is spot on Michelle Obamas hair evolution Michelle Obama wore Jason Wu dresses at the presidential farewell In any case, we will really miss Michelle. Now excuse us while we watch the GIF (on loop) from now until Friday. Learn how to get party hair:”