Paris Jackson má vážně elektrický soubor očí. Jsou to takové okouzlující jasně modré, které vás (nebo alespoň mě) cítí, že se dívá přímo do vaší duše. To bylo řečeno, že jsem o nich nikdy opravdu nepřemýšlel, než abych myslel, že bych si s ní zamilovala jeden den (nebo navždy).
Zde je několik zajímavých zpráv: Jacksonova make-upová umělkyně Jo Baker uděluje odstín 19letých dětských blues “vzácným očním podmínkám” podle Bakerova rozhovoru Teen Vogue po VMA. Takže ne, zdá se, že nejsou zodpovědné žádné kontakty ani světelné triky – jen nepojmenovaná podmínka, kterou Baker říká, ovlivňuje barvu Jacksonových očí, ale ne její vize.
Baker nesdílel název stavu, ačkoli Hello Giggles předpokládal, že to může být Waardenburgův syndrom. Podle americké Národní knihovny medicíny je to skupina genetických stavů, která může vést ke ztrátě sluchu a změnám ve vlasu, kůži a pigmentaci očí. Lidé s tímto syndromem mají obvykle světle modré oči. Je zřejmé, že bez potvrzení od Jacksona neexistuje žádný způsob, jak vědět jistě, jaká podmínka může mít, ale je určitě něco přemýšlet o příštím zjištění někoho s obzvláště bledě modrým pohledem.
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As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding:
Paris Jackson has seriously electric eyes. They are such charming bright blues that make you (or at least me) feel like shes looking straight into your soul. That being said, I never really thought about them until I thought I might fall in love with her one day (or forever). Heres some interesting news: Jacksons makeup artist Jo Baker attributes the shade of the 19-year-olds baby blues to “rare eye condition” according to Bakers interview with Teen Vogue after the VMAs. So no, it doesnt seem like any contacts or lighting tricks are responsible – just an unnamed condition that Baker says affects the color of Jacksons eyes but not her vision. Baker didnt share the name of the condition, although Hello Giggles speculated it could be Waardenburg syndrome. According to the US National Library of Medicine, its a group of genetic conditions that can lead to hearing loss and changes in hair, skin, and eye pigmentation. People with the syndrome typically have light blue eyes. Its clear that without confirmation from Jackson, theres no way to know for sure what condition she may have, but its certainly something to think about the next time you come across someone with an especially pale blue gaze. More on Paris Jackson: Paris Jackson wears five layers of highlighter to meet Paris Jackson looks just like Madonna on the new Cover of Rolling Stone Paris Jackson didnt wear eye shadow – and looked amazing Follow Kaleigh Fasanella on Twitter.
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding:
Paris Jackson has seriously electric eyes. They are such charming bright blues that make you (or at least me) feel like shes looking straight into your soul. That being said, I never really thought about them until I thought I might fall in love with her one day (or forever). Heres some interesting news: Jacksons makeup artist Jo Baker attributes the shade of the 19-year-olds baby blues to “rare eye condition” according to Bakers interview with Teen Vogue after the VMAs. So no, it doesnt seem like any contacts or lighting tricks are responsible – just an unnamed condition that Baker says affects the color of Jacksons eyes but not her vision. Baker didnt share the name of the condition, although Hello Giggles speculated it could be Waardenburg syndrome. According to the US National Library of Medicine, its a group of genetic conditions that can lead to hearing loss and changes in hair, skin, and eye pigmentation. People with the syndrome typically have light blue eyes. Its clear that without confirmation from Jackson, theres no way to know for sure what condition she may have, but its certainly something to think about the next time you come across someone with an especially pale blue gaze. More on Paris Jackson: Paris Jackson wears five layers of highlighter to meet Paris Jackson looks just like Madonna on the new Cover of Rolling Stone Paris Jackson didnt wear eye shadow – and looked amazing Follow Kaleigh Fasanella on Twitter.